Friday, 28 September 2012

White & Wooden

I annoy myself sometimes, my poses are very wooden. I'm just left with no choice most of the time, as I take all the pictures myself! Unless my tripod springs arms, legs and suddenly starts requesting I call it Mario Testino, they are going to have to do for now! Sorry guys:(. If you blog, is this a problem you encounter? On a more positive note, it's Friday and its Paris Fashion week (my favourite) With instagram, I really feel like I am in the front row! Tomorrow I'm going to be at the races, which is exciting as it is my first time. Luckily, my friend had the foresight to book a box! Flash floods and heels don't mix!! I will try and take as many pictures as I can or bore my poor friends and ask them to take pictures of me (egotistical). 
Are you doing anything fun this weekend?

Enjoy the pics
Holly x


Shirt:Charity shop
Bag: Zara
Sunglasses: Vintage 


Sunday, 16 September 2012

When the cats away

You know that English saying 'when the cats away the mice will play.' Well I think I may have taken that saying to the extreme today. The BF is at work (on a Sunday *rolls eyes*), so I decided to raid his  wardrobe and I found this Nike T-shirt. Unfortunately, the fit wasn't right so I decided to cut it... he never wore it anyway (I don' think) and he has as many clothes as me, so with any luck, he won't even notice. Right, I'm off to meet some of my girlfriend's for tea and a gossip.
Enjoy your Sunday and the Pics 
Holly x

T-shirt- Nike 
Skater Skirt: Topshop
Boots: Schuh
Sunglasses: Charity Shop
Necklaces: Gifts 


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

I heart charity shops

I really love charity shops, I found this skirt for three pounds in one! I know it is really down to pure luck, but I think that's part of the fun. I have one key tip; Have a loose idea of what your looking for, whether this be a trend, or a certain item of clothing and you will probably find it less daunting. Although there is a definite increase in the amount of people shopping in charity shops a lot of my friends still look at me flabbergasted when I tell them where I found my new purchase. Sometimes I feel like they don't know me at all *sighs*. I joke of course, but surely this proves that there's still a lot of variety and quality items to be found... there is a lot of crap too. So to re-cap keep an eye on trends and what's missing from you wardrobe, once you get into the swing of things you will be walking around Topshop saying 'I could find that in a charity shop!' and 'how much? pffftt... get me to a charity shop!'
And here is were I contradict myself, the jumper I am wearing is from Topshop... it was in the sale though 'I plead for you forgiveness' (bended knees and clasped hands).   
Have you found any bargains in charity shops? or do find yourself doing the same in High-street shops?
Enjoy the pics 
Holly x
Body suit: Primark
Skirt: Charity Shop
Jacket:Paul's Boutique
Sunglasses: Rayban
Bag: Topshop

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