Monday, 17 October 2016

4 simple new trends that will update your knitwear

4 New trends that will totally update your wardrobe.

4 simple ways to incorporate this season trends into your knitwear

4 easy ways to update your knitwear the a/w season

This seasons knitwear trends

4 easy ways to update you knitwear

4 ways to update your knitwear

4 simple ways to update your winter wardrobe

4 easy ways to update your knitwear this season

This season the oversized knits will rein supreme. Knitwear for winter, ground breaking I know! But this season it would appear there has been an addition of extra material in the arm area meaning uber long sleeves like the example modeled here by mwah. It would also appear that for once, knitwear is becoming, well, dare I say it, a bit sexy. I know Grannies (& Grandpa's) of the world will recoil and burn their knitting needles, but its true. By knitwear becoming non structured it has given it a sort of carelessness and fluidity that makes your outfit look, well, easy and not over thought. I also love the fact that something that in essence is so practical can be so much fun. There was a time when knitwear would remind me of my dear Nana's two piece sets from Marks and Spencer's now it's fun and sexy (yes I used the S word again). I mean, you only have to look at Bella Freud's collection that is extremely classic in shape but it is FUN.
Initially when I saw this Jumper I was drawn to the colour like a magpie. I flew across H&M to get a closer look at what the item was because, yes being a brunette it is a fact that red suits you, at least that's what I have always found and it's a colour that, although can be bright, it doesn't feel a million a miles away from black. For example, if this jumper was in orange it would be fabulous still (in my opinion) but might put some people off. When I realised it was a jumper at first I felt a little deflated. All that bloody dodging and the polite 'excuse me, sorry' jostling (its a English thing) to get a closer look and its a jumper. Then I pulled it out a saw the length and I loved it. There are quite a few subtleties with knitwear this season that I love and feel elevate them so here's a few things to look out for:
 I am talking Long Long Long sleeves, the might get in your food kind. Or Bell sleeves which you might loose food in. Honestly, reading this you would think I have no table manners but sometimes it feels like food gravitates to anywhere but my mouth. 

 By that I mean long length which actually gives you more for your money because the amount of outfits you can actually style increases using one jumper. 

I know the above sort of hints at this but oversized seems to be the aim of the game with this seasons knitwear. But, by oversized I mean, well baggy, you know, not fitted, no structure and best of all adaptable, meaning, more bang or wear for your buck. 

 Although these vary greatly I find the ones that look the chicest and also don't leave you with the chance of pneumonia have slightly higher necklines. They're not a full roll neck but there's just enough material around the ol' neck area to make it a detail. 

For me, the slightly elevated neckline is definitely my favourite trend and I think, well, I know I would have bought the jumper on that merit alone. In fact all this gushing about knitwear has not made me want to take up knitting (I don't have the patience) but it has made me think I will do a run down of my favs in my next post. Be sure to check back in on Monday for my high street favourites.
Hollie x

Jumper: H&M
Dress (worn under jumper): Topshop
Ankle Boots: Office 
Bag: Zara


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