Thursday, 31 March 2016

Silent Assembly | Selfridges Launch AD

Red French Lace women's underwear By Silent Assembly. Selfridges. Curvessence 3D technology

Red French Lace women's underwear By Silent Assembly. Selfridges. Curvessence 3D technology

Red French Lace women's underwear By Silent Assembly. Selfridges. Curvessence 3D technology

Red French Lace women's underwear By Silent Assembly. Selfridges. Curvessence 3D technology

It may sound silly but when my underwear is on point I feel like I can tackle anything. It elevates any outfit I am wearing because it gives you that extra bit of confidence. You might think I am talking tosh, but lets face it, there is nothing more distracting than ill fitting underwear, or under-wiring on a bra that you spend half your day rather attractively tugging at. In fact, because of this I was beginning to give up on underwired bra's and turning mainly to braletts, which are comfortable, but lack any support. So when Silent Assembly contacted me and asked if I wanted to try one of their bra's that had replaced conventional metal under wiring with Curvessence 3D rib technology, me and my boobs were like 'Hell yeah!' So what the 'bleep' is Curvessence I hear you ask? Curvessence is, and I quote, 'a state of the art technology replacing metal under wiring with 3D nylon ribs which contour perfectly to the left and right side of your body'. When my underwear set arrived the first thing I noticed was the quality of the lace and how beautiful the pieces where. I was that excited I put the bra on under my couch potato clothes, which in my mind is a great test of comfort because that is normally when the bra is off, the sweats are on and the hair is up (you know the drill girls). So I thought if the bra is going to irritate me while I am gorging on chocolate and The Good Wife it probably isn't going to last a day while I am running around at work and I don't want to inflict anymore bra tugging attractiveness on my work colleagues. Literally, within an hour of putting the bra on I had forgotten it was underwired, there was no digging in or pinching and any random sofa position the bra stuck with it and still felt comfortable. Then came the real test, a day at work, and I can report there was no tugging I could just get on with my job without any annoying distractions. In fact, I got home from work and didn't whip it off straight away which is another huge testament to it's comfort. So do you want your boobs to bask in comfort and support glory? Then good news, Silent Assembly is launching for the first time the Curveessence 3D rib technology onto the British high street and they're doing it in the sumptuous surroundings of Selfridges new body studio which will include a dedicated Silent Assembly space and expert fitters to ensure the perfect fit. The fact that Selfridges is stocking Silent Assembly is, I think, also testament to the brand because Selfridges is known for luxury and that's exactly what this underwear is. Although don't let that put you off as prices start at £36 which to me, seems like good value. Like I mentioned before it is the type of underwear that puts a spring in your step with that extra bit of confidence. 
Hollie x

Bra shown: Silent Assembly
Knickers Shown: Silent Assembly  

**Please note the Underwear set was gifted from silent assembly, however the opinion regarding the comfort is wholly my own. If it wasn't good I wouldn't say x 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Best of the Bomber Jackets

Bomber Jackets. SS 16 trends, Miss guided, Vintage style bomber jacket from Topshop, Asos bomber jacket with badges

As promised on Monday here are some of my favourite bomber jackets that are currently on the High-street or online. I particularly like the Topshop one because it's reversible which sought of makes the price a little more reasonable because it's essentially two coats in one. I know I always seem to suggest black being a good starting point for most trends because its so easy to style but in this case, you have so many to choose from. Maybe try one with badges on like the ASOS one above for a slightly vintage feel. 
Hollie x

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