Thursday, 30 August 2012

D.I.Ying the s*** out of my T-shirt

Hello my dears, 
As promised, here is a post of a recent D.I.Y I created. Enjoy, comment and try it for yourselves. Its so easy that I was able to do it :p
Enjoy the pics
Holly x


Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Grey Silence

Okay, I feel like I spend half my time apologising for not blogging! But when I'm not blogging, I'm working... a girl needs shoes, oh... and food as well I suppose :P (no shocked comments I eat a lot I assure you). Even though I haven't been blogging I have still been taking photos of my outfits. The easiest way to stay up to date with daily looks is through my Instagram (holliescloset). Although I have been busy, after some badgering from a close friend I have managed to read the fifty shades of grey trilogy (yes all three)! Okay, they aren't exactly the Bronte sisters or Fitzgerald, but they entertained me. The books will make you cringe in parts (especially the rude bits), but I still found them funny to read. I think I'm probably down playing how much I liked these books as they have been dubbed as 'mummy porn', but I love romance as much as the next girl even if this romance does include a bit, okay, a lot of BDSM (read the book and you will start to understand the lingo). As well as working hard and reading lots, I have managed to squeeze in some D.I.Y'ing, and other exciting projects which I will reveal to you soon!!
Enjoy the pics 
Holly x
PS What do you think to my nails?

Play-suit:Urban outfitters 
Shoes: Reiss 
Sunglasses: Rayban
Handbag: Zara
Necklaces: Gifts


Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Do you like my little belt? I bought it from a Vintage shop although; it’s not big enough to go totally hands free on the bag front! I think it's probably the ideal size for a night out when you just want to 'Boogie!' Oh god its happened... I have turned into my Nana! Who says 'boogie?' Me evidently and now I am getting slightly side tracked! Anyway I am still loving the mid length skirt evidence given below!
Enjoy the pics 
Holly x

 I just love my shoes I cannot stop staring :P

Yeap its raining!!

What do you think to my cat shoes?
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