Friday, 28 February 2014

Monday, 24 February 2014

Age limit + Ark Giveaway

A while ago I read an article in a magazine that ran through all age ranges of women (not men... No shock),  and listed what you should and shouldn't wear at that age. To my horror it stated that, when you hit 25, you should no longer wear mini skirts (anything above the knee). This really confused me! Surely, when you are in the 'supposed' prime of your life you should be flaunting 'what ya momma gave ya', not shying away and covering up. I think it horrified me mostly because I am 25 next and it would mean I would be throwing away at least 1/4 of my wardrobe! The article then got me thinking, if the rule applies to length does it apply to colour also? For modern journalism the whole piece felt a little victorian, quite suppressive and rather silly. I mean, if Kate Moss had stuck to this particular article what would she wear? I suppose, actually, Kate (me and 'Kate' go way back... joke) is a prime example that you can wear what the 'F' you like at any age. Okay, granted she is a muse, style icon, super model but, she still is at an age which in societies mind means she cannot wear certain items, but she still does and I think the main reason for this is her taste in fashion and confidence. Your style, taste and sometimes confidence is something that is evolving and it should really be down to how comfortable you feel, not your age. So, with that article as my motivation I decided to stick two's up to its perceived view of age acceptable attire and wore a mini skirt and a splash of colour. Do you think there is an appropriate age to wear certain items?
Hollie x
Jumper- Urban Outfitters
Skirt- Zara
Boots- Topshop
Coat- Reiss

P.s My Ark giveaway is still running so don't forget to enter.  


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

ARK Giveaway

Yay, the lovely people at Ark clothing have given me £25 pounds to giveaway to one lucky reader! See, you always knew there was a reason to read my blog! To enter, simply follow the simple instructions below and the winner will be announced on the 28th of feb!
P.s They sell lots of lovely stuff, remember the amazing Celine style dress I got? Go on, enter, you have nothing to loose... 
Good luck!!
Hollie x

1. Follow me on GFC
2. Follow me on Twitter @Holliescloset
3. Add a comment below with your email address


Monday, 17 February 2014



As you can probably tell from these pictures I am still not over tartan and my new dress from Ark is definitley extending this obsession with the print. To add some much needed warmth to this outfit I added an embellished jumper I bought from a charity shop. 
Hollie x

Dress- Ark clothing
Jumper-Charity Shop
Boots- Topshop


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Lost in the Post

I think all my invites to NYFW must have got lost in the post or something. Maybe its all the snow they have been experiencing because I am still in England waiting. I am joking of course, but while we are on the topic, with so many of my favorite fashion bloggers and magazines posting minute by minute updates online and on instagram, you don't really need to get dressed or leave bed to be on F-row. Since my invitations seem to be 'missing in the post' I had some time to kill, so I decided to hit my usual haunts and took a few pics of WIWT. Right, I'm off to go look for the postman or hang around my mail box... Am I coming off as desperate?  
Hollie x



Tuesday, 4 February 2014


A day spent by the sea is never a waste if you ask me. Not only do I get to eat the Fish and chips, but also, more than my fair share of candy floss and donuts. The only down side was the wind, which means I also got more than my fair share of hair in my mouth.
Hollie x
Hat- Ark clothing 
Coat- Topshop
Jumper- H&m
Jeans- Topshop
Boots- (I cannot remember...sorry)

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