Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Isn’t the grungy look so easy to get right? Today I literally threw on a black dress I found in a charity shop, my boyfriends shirt and a pair of shoe boots and I was good to go!! I can understand why Mary Kate loves it so much and more recently Miley Cyrus, its almost like a coming of age trend. Maybe it looks so good because it consists largely of black clothing? I think it also works well as a look because it's so effortless to put together. But the girls that really get it right are the ones with the ‘don’t give a shit’ aire about them! Basically, it just looks cool! So here I am trying to look like a don't give a damn!
Enjoy the pics
Holly x

P.s I know I said I would post about my D.I.Y project today but I decided to make it into a video so it's easier and funnier to watch. I promise it will be posted on my blog this week!

 Dress: Charity shop
Plaid shirt: Boyfriends 
Boots: Internacionale 


Monday, 30 July 2012

Summer Dresses and Windswept Dreams

What a difference a few days make, let alone a week. I think this is depicted perfectly in the picture of the outfit I wore today. Well, not so much my outfit, more the setting, from beautiful Venice to an English Concrete jungle. I love this dress and wore it several times on my travels. Now I am back in England I teamed the dress with some vintage boots and a fringed cardigan, 'YEAP' defiantly not in Venice now. Today I decided to customise some old jeans of mine into shorts which I will post tomorrow.
I hope you enjoyed your weekend!!
Enjoy the pics
Holly x

Dress: Topshop
Vintage style boots: Schuh
Sunglasses: Rayban
Bag: Bought as a gift in Venice 

 GRRR wind!!

 Fringed Cardigan: Tosphop

Wrestling with my cardigan 

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Sunday Vogue

Good afternoon all!! 
Yes, I am a fashion stereotype, I read Vogue and Elle to name a few. But after a summer spent in endless airports and hours spent people watching, I started to think does anybody actually read Vogue or is it more of fashion accessory? I have come to the conclusion… YES, some people do use the publication as a status symbol. Which, in fact, is a real shame as the calibre of writers that showcase there articles in these publications are generally overlooked for the status of carrying a vogue and ‘looking’ fashionable. I suppose you could argue that I am one of those people, as I often will flick through Vogue just to look at the pictures. But is that such a shame when the talented- photographers exhibit such amazing pictures? Is it surely not like viewing art? Here I go with my Cliché spiel about how Fashion could be classed as a sculpture or even instalment art, but you have probably heard this a million times. For me I simply love spending a lazy Sunday afternoon drinking tea and reading through my old Vogue’s (how fashionable of me), and true to form this is what I have decided to do today. After all isn't that what Sundays should be all about? Reading, drinking tea and eating good food.
How are you spending your Sunday? Do you think people carry Vogues as a status symbol?
Holly x

Just a few of my Vogues  

My Hungry Caterpillar cup (my favourite book as a child).

 Brunch :)

A Sunday scene Vogues, Tea and Blogging. 


Thursday, 26 July 2012

Finally Venice

Hey Gals and Guys
Yep, that’s right I’m one of those boring people who wants to share all the photographs from my holiday :P. This is the final post about Venice I promise! Of course I have included pictures of the outfits that I wore.
Enjoy the Pics 
Holly x

 Gondolas :) 
T-shirt: Zara
Shorts: Matalan 
Sandals: Barratts
Bag: Topshop
Sunglasses: Rayban 

Evil Eye

 The tower in St Mark's square 

The View from the tower

One of the views from the Gondola

 Dress: Topshop
Shirt: Zara
Sandals: Barratts
Bag: Topshop 

 The Rialto bridge at night (insert WOW here)

 A view of the Grand Canal at night 

 Pose on the Balcony 

 Arm Candy (assorted gifts)

Skirt: Urban Outfitters
T-shirt: Cheap Monday
Sandals: Barratts
Bag: Topshop
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban 

On the Rialto Bridge 

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Gelato and a Gondola

As promised yesterday, here are a few of the pictures from Venice. I had the most amazing time there and I managed to practice some of my Italian, although I am a long way from being fluent. The hotel we stayed in was just next to the Rialto Bridge and our balcony provided us with some amazing views. Looking at some of these pictures all I seem to be doing is eating gelato, but I suppose when your in Italy it would be rude not to!! I love Italy and I have been going every year since I was 6! We mainly holiday on the Amalfi coast or Capri (a little island near Sorrento). This year however, I decided to try Venice and I must say although it is heavily populated by tourists and tiny (you can walk from one side to the other in a few hours), you can still find quiet back streets just minutes away from the main tourist areas. On one of the days we found ourselves in the more residential area of the island and I had the most amazing bowl of Clams and Spaghetti, finished off of course, with a gelato. While we were there we had a Gondola ride which took us away from the Grand canal and down the lesser known areas. To be honest, I was happy about this as I witnessed a few near misses down the busier canals. The Italians seem to be fearless driving their cars and scooters, and even more so on their boats.  
Enjoy the Pics
Holly x

The Grand Canal...well part of it

The view from our balcony  

Ice Cream with a Rialto background
More Ice cream (its the same one I promise).
Dress: Zara
Sandals: Barratts 
Bag: Topshop
Ice Cream: soo tasty 
 The quieter canals and a Gondola

Skeleton Top: Topshop 
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Sandals: Barratts
Bag: Topshop 

My New evil Necklace (Gift)

Some Venetian Laundry :P 

Yummy Clams and Spaghetti 


Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Hey Gals and Guys, 

This is just a quick post of some of the outfits I have worn recently. More importantly I need to apologise for the lack of posting I have been in Venice,So the lack of my laptop and the expensive internet connection have been a massive barrier! ‘Excuses, excuses’ you cry but I can assure you I have some amazing pictures coming soon!
How have you been enjoying your summer so far? I hope your having fun whatever your doing!!

Enjoy the pics
Holly x

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