Monday, 21 January 2013


The sports trend; executed perfectly in my boyfriends jumper. His wardrobe seems to have become an extension of mine. Whenever I suggest an afternoon of shopping together he eyes me suspiciously, unfortunately for me, he has twigged onto my plan of 'lets buy clothes for you that I can wear'. Nothing says androgyny like menswear! So, I indulge that side of my style with his ever growing wardrobe and add a hint of femininity and whimsy from my side... PERFECT (he disagrees). To add some whimsy and warmth (note the snow) to this outfit I threw on a quilted Burberry jacket. 
Most of my wardrobe consist of High-street and thrift store finds, but on the odd occasion I will invest in a designer piece and this jacket is truly a testament to the quality you are paying for it is 8 YEARS OLD (capital needed for emphasis). The current economy has taught us to be more frugal with our money, consequently this means we have become more conscious of quality, unfortunately for us, and our wallets, this often means buying designer items. However, it would appear that the High-street has heard our cry, or more likely seen there sales numbers drop (I'm a cynic) and our obvious restraint in buying has meant that, slowly, the condition of clothing is improving thus increasing  longevity (everyone's a winner). We are the customer after all and we should expect quality goods that last. You don't go into a store to spend your well earned money on the dress you have been lusting over, with the thought that it might be unwearable in a year. 

Having said all this the high-street is still several years away. If I had the money I would buy designer and I'm not saying that I don't love the high street, its just I do believe in quality over quantity. This is also one of the reasons why I don't have a credit card because that sort of logic whizzing around in my head is not safe. Especially as I gaze at a Celine bag in the window of Harvey Nichols. For me, it would be a downward spiral into serious debt, which coincidently, poor money management is one of the reasons that the economy is in such a mess. Some would argue that one designer piece per season could pull you through. But this is still a massive investment for most of us!! If I invest in designer I have to love it forever, not for a season! I'm not talking lust, I'm talking, 'can't get you out of my head everything I wear would go with it' sort of love! In my opinion it also has to be transitional to put it simply 'undateable.' 

So, with this new argument in mind I will now demand my boyfriend share all his clothes with me for the good of the economy and my credit rating until my next 'undateable' comes along.
Hollie x

Adidas Jumper -Boyfriends
Skinnies- Topshop
Boots- Topshop
Jacket- Burberry
Small Green Clutch- Mischa barton


  1. Hi Hollie, you look absolutely cool, as usual.

    I like your very special look offside mainstream and the coat is perfect!

    Do you know that Adidas is a German brand?


    1. Hi Rena,

      Thanks for the lovely comment! I did know Adidas was a German brand and I love the plain branding on this jumper. x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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