Thursday, 30 January 2014

Daisies and Giveaways

Sometimes, somedays call for simplicity, and these are the days I usual wear all black. So when ARK clothing contacted me and asked if I would like to choose some items off their website I was immediately drawn to pieces that could add drama to an outfit, and this daisy shirt I feel does that perfectly. I also selected the Fedora hat I am wearing, mainly for one obvious reason... Bad hair days!  Although I already own a Fedora I really love the structure of this one and it is only £12.99! Which, when you compare it to Topshops £25-30 price tag, it really is a bargain. I hope that didn't sound to much like a sales pitch, but I do really think they're great items. All the pieces I chose I would have happily bought myself and that is usually how I gauge collaborations and working with brands. A few companies have contacted me about sending items, but I have declined if I wouldn't buy it myself. I won't take it, even if it is free!!  
Finally, sort of like a cherry on top, the lovely guys at Ark Clothing have given me some gift vouchers to share with my lovely readers so I am currently running a competiton (details in the picture above). Good luck 
Hollie x   

Daisy Shirt- ARK
Jeans- Topshop
Boots- Kurt Geiger
Fedora- ARK


Monday, 27 January 2014


Clashing prints... I am still not over it, especially when this whole outfit cost me under £25 pounds, I do love H&M. I know clashing prints isn't exactly a new trend, but that doesn't mean I am not going to rock it. One tip I would give, espically if you aren't sure, is keep the colour palate similar. Just give it a try, if it looks totally shocking, don't wear it again... Simple. 
Hollie x
Top- H&M
Skirt- H&M
Boots- Topshop


Thursday, 23 January 2014

The bare appeal

Its funny, when I am getting dressed I always find my outfits look better with bare legs. Take todays outfit for example, if I had added a simple pair of black tights it would have pulled the whole outfit down and made it rather bland. But by simply opting for bare skin it draws your eyes to the detail on my shoes and my skirt. I do see the appeal of tights when it is freezing, and I haven't lost my mind I would pick warmth over pnueamonia any day, but today wasn't too chilly. The jumper I am wearing is one I managed to grab in the sale from Gap and I absolutely love it! I know the word 'love' is a term massively over used especially by bloggers, but honestly, don't be surprised if it pops up more than once... The jumper I mean, not the word 'love'.  
Hollie x
Jumper: Gap
Skirt: Gap
Boots: Topshop
Sunglasses: Rayban


Monday, 20 January 2014

How playful is the playsuit?

How playful are playsuits, overalls or jumpsuits? Whatever you call them, they all have one thing in common, they are one of the most impractical fashion items EVERRRR! Oh, how boring of me to point this out, but they are! It is essentially a piece of clothing adapted for adults from children's wear and I bet most parents would probably agree they are even a pain in the arse for kids! Why the recent onslaught on a piece of clothing that is essentially a onesie? Probably because, in a moment of weakness in the sales I bought another pair. No, I am obviously not content with struggling with just one pair, so I decided to buy a pair of green leather ones as well. Now I don't regret this buy, not for a minute, and what is good for Alexa Chung or Lendra Medine (man repeller) is certainly good for me. But I always seem to forget while in the changing rooms, posing in the mirror or while happily handing over my card at the till just how time consuming this item actually is. Okay, you may be confused at this point, your probably thinking 'its a pair of overalls, what is her problem, like a dress they are easy to style, you can layer it with other items, pop a simple t-shirt or jumper underneath and your good to go'. But thats where you would be wrong and where I seem to go wrong. There is a hell of a lot of maintenance that goes in to this item of clothing. I shall begin (cough). Number one; the strap length issue... Too tight/short and you can suddenly hit a higher note and have a lovely camel toe (sorry) to complement your new singing prowess, if however, the straps are too loose/long you look like you have 3 breasts, sort of like the lady out of Total recall (the 1990's version). Then there is the whole toilet situation as you have to practically get undressed to go. I often find myself pre-empting when I possibly might need to urinate, call me a loser, but really, you cant do the last minute dash, its a full on bondage experience getting in and out, I am talking 10mins at least! Maybe playsuits, overalls, jumpsuits whatever you call them are the real reason for female water infections... Nice thought I know, but the amount of times I have crossed my legs a little tighter when wearing a playsuit to avoid the toilet undressing saga, well lets just say, I have lost count. And if that last point wasn't enough to put you off entirely, I have one final point. There is the not so graceful rearranging of yourself every time you decide to sit down, the whole... pulling and tugging at every area, definitely not a good look. After all thats said and done I still love them. I just feel velcrow jumpsuits would probably go down a lot better. Im feeling a sort of, superman, rip them off in one go sort of thing. Maybe, after reading this back, I am simply lazy.
Whats your opinion on playsuits/overalls/jumpsuits?
Hollie x
Cable Knit Jumper- TK Maxx
Leather playsuit- Topshop
Boots- Topshop


Tuesday, 14 January 2014

The Chop and Crop

The chop and crop... My title sounds more like a back of the paper ad for circumcision. Let me ensure any male readers now sitting crossed legged or females readers heading for the nearest Esc button that I am not, talking about circumcision. I am talking about my apparent new love of all things shorter... well, hair and jumpers at least. That's right, I decided to 'chop' 4 inches off my hair. Although I love my new hair cut if I had the balls I would have maybe gone an inch shorter (baby steps guys). I don't know about you but when I get my hair cut I always seem to get a sudden feeling of panic like 'oh god what have I done' and I immediately look to the hairdressers floor and think  'will anybody be able tell if I glued my hair back on?'. And then, just as I am about to grab my lost lengths, in swoops the Saturday girl with a her sweeping brush, and after months/years of love maintenance its gone, 'puff', in the bin. I think she did me a favour really. I like my hairdresser, but I feel rolling around on the floor covered in your old hair would sort of put the brakes on me returning again. I suppose it didn't help that I had just taken outfit pictures on Friday morning, and so I had a constant reminder while I uploaded the pictures to my blog and wrote a post. I did contemplate dedicating Fridays post to my hair, but its always been dead 'ba dum tish'. I know, terrible joke... Sorry, I am mourning, humour helps me cope. I suppose when it comes to hair 'the grass is always greener' or shorter in this case. Contrary to my above babbling I am really happy with my hair, and for the crop part of my post, well, I bought this lovely cropped jumper in the sale from Zara. I have a bit of a thing for cropped at the moment. 
Now the brave part... what is your opinion of my hair?
Hollie x
Trench coat- Vintage 
Cropped Jumper- Zara
Skirt- H&M


Friday, 10 January 2014

Casual Friday


A simple casual outfit for a laid back Friday. Enjoy your weekend. 
Hollie x

Coat- Reiss
Jeans- Vintage Levis 501
Boots- Topshop

Monday, 6 January 2014


Just a few pictures of one of the outfits I wore over the Christmas period... Yes, I mistakenly decided to bare my midriff after copious amounts of self indulgence. Note to self; Christmas clothing should be mainly stretchy and baggy, and, in no way, include cropped jumpers revealing my overstuffed stomach. Okay, well I sort of got it right with the coat.
Happy New Year
Hollie x
Boots- Primark
Bag- Charity shop
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