Monday, 26 November 2012

Leather friends

I stare at my leather skirt with a fond expression, it has definitely become like a friend, popping in and out of my closet like its come round for coffee and a catch up. I do love it, we always have the best time together. I think the main reason we get on so well is the fact that it is simple and yet, the leather material makes an outfit seem totally different, oh, and not forgetting its sense of humour. This leather friend of mine is a well travelled piece of clothing. It has helped me 'paint the town red' and given a simple Monday outfit a bit of a lift. My leather friend is very well connected and knows leather skirts of all different colours and lengths. Today I decided I needed a catch up with my leather friend and so I teamed it with a cable knit Jumper and we went out for a lovely winter walk together. Do you have a piece of  clothing that feels like an old friend?
Holly x

Coat- Riess
Cable Knit Jumper-TK Maxx
Leather Skirt- Miss Selfridges
Boots: Topshop
Bag: A gift fro Venice
Necklace: A gift


Saturday, 24 November 2012


To early for a post about Christmas?... Never!! Today I spent time looking around the Christmas market in the magnificent Corn exchange building in Leeds. I of course, was a total cliché and wore a gold sparkly jumper under my pinafore dress. I wore the jumper around this time last year and I'm defiantly looking to expand my collection and invest in some gold trousers.
Have a great weekend!!
Holly x

Gold  Jumper: Charity shop
Pinafore dress: Topshop
Boots: Schuh 
Necklace: A gift 

How beautiful is the Corn Exchange ceiling? 

And all lit up at night 


Thursday, 22 November 2012

The Great British Seaside

The Great British seaside may not be as glamorous as the south of France or have the heat of Capri, but god I love the place! I think this is mainly due to happy memories as a child. The whole place intoxicates my senses with nostalgia. From the smell of the sea and fish & chips to the sound of the seagulls preying on unsuspecting victims from above, and of course, not forgetting the bright twinkling lights from the rows of amusements. It truly is the simplest of things in life that make you happy. Although, unfortunately, a large majority of seafronts are run down, they are also a testament to Victorian architecture, which means some of the buildings are truly beautiful to look at. I bet you can guess were I spent this weekend... the seaside. 
I love the seaside, especially in the winter, sat on a bench with your fish and chips in a tray (I'm such a cheap date), watching the world go by. When I get old, I will move to the seaside and have a little dog and probably a really bad 2p gambling addiction (some people will understand this, and you will have probably been to the GB seaside). Although I loved being near my beloved Great British seaside this weekend, I did encounter one problem; what to pack!! I hate planning what I want to wear in advance and I hate even more, having to travel light! I am afraid to admit it, and if my friends read this I will probably be subject to more then a few remarks, but yes my mum still packs for me :s!! I pick the clothes of course, she just reins me in and suggests that maybe I don't take 12 pairs of shoes for 1 day. I have an example of why I still need my mum to pack; while holidaying in Italy last year I took 20 pairs of shoes for a week, and I only wore about 5 pairs. There's having options and then there's being silly (have I justified my mum still packing for me yet?). Well, back on topic, my mother was also away this weekend so I had to fend for myself and even though we set of an hour and a half late I did it (I really am pathetic)!! I think the main thing I learnt from this weekend is; plan outfits in advance, especially if your as indecisive as me when it comes to clothes, and make sure you chose a weekend your mum (/ assistant) isn't away. Although, come to think of it, if after reading the above confession, I totally understand if you don't take my extremely poor travelling advice. Here's what I decided to wear and few pics of the my lovely Great British seaside.
Holly x

My 2p addiction begins 


Monday, 12 November 2012

November Sun

Sometimes dressing up in the winter can seem like such a waste, especially if your throwing a big coat on over the top of your carefully constructed outfit. For me, the easiest way around this is layering... This is exactly what I did today, combing a vintage electric blue shirt with an earth coloured thick knit wool jumper. I was attracted to this jumper mainly due to its simple Zip detail on the back. I may try to wear the jumper the opposite way around to show the detail off more providing it doesn't look like I have escaped from a mental asylum. If I don't post for a while you will know I have been carted off to a padded cell!! Recently I find myself drawn to shirts with collars when layering, as it adds another dimension to your outfit and a slight hint of detail. Although, it does mean having to iron your shirt, or... if your as lazy as me you will just Iron the collar as no one will see the shirt (time management guys). I didn't mean it to be, but this full outfit is pretty much an advertisement for Topshop.
Enjoy the pics
Holly x


Sunday, 4 November 2012

Guilty Pleasure

Guilty pleasure... no I haven't been reading Fifty shades again. I have been shopping in the brand new, and biggest, European Topshop outside of London. By now you should know were I'm going with this! The new Topshop was originally opened by Pixie Geldof playing a 'dj set' (quotation marks needed as pressing play on a CD does not count!) on the Thursday. However, myself and my mum decided to wake up early and have a proper look around on the Saturday instead. The layout in the new Leeds Topshop is deceiving (in a good way). At one point I thought they were creating some sort of mirror illusion because it seemed to go on and on, but after further investigation and much to my surprise I discovered it actually went, on and on. As well as a new dedicated make up section and extensive stock (updated daily), they have a personal shopping service, which is fine but its not for me. I always feel a bit funny about someone telling me what to wear, my style is a strong part of my identity as with most people. I'm also really suspicious that they don't care what looks good on you, but instead they are just given a certain product and told to sell, sell, sell, blah, blah, blah! So my final purchases consisted of two pairs of shoes and a pinafore dress, I probably should add now that I only went to look and the result of these purchases has left a guilt feeling in my belly. Hopefully, this wont last to long as it is pay day soon!! 'Hmm I wonder what can I buy next (looks intensely into the distance/Topshop website)?'. I have also included the pictures of what I wore to go shopping in.
Enjoy the pics
Holly x
Star dress: Topshop
Star Jumper: Primark 
Jacket; Paul's Boutique 

Pictures Courtesy of All products pictured are from Topshop. 
(As these images are not my own I have no rights to them, if the owner would like them removing please contact me and I would gladly do so). 
© 2025 Hollies Closet. All rights reserved.