Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Company Style Blogger- Last chance to vote!

Today is the last chance to vote in the Company style blogger awards. If you haven't had chance yet please vote for my blog in the 'best personal style' section. I would really appreciate it. 
Thank you and good luck to everyone who has entered. 
Hollie x

Monday, 21 April 2014

Thrifty Easter

A simple Easter outfit with a splash of colour. The jumper I am wearing is from a charity shop, but the fit was a little off, so I decided to cut it into a crop. I do love finding bargains especially in thrift stores, I sort of feel like I have achieved a little more than when I am just looking through a high-street shop sales. I think its probably because you are never guaranteed to find anything on trend, and for me, because it has been previously loved, I don't seem to mind so much taking a pair of scissors to it! New clothes however, are a different story and I cannot quite bring myself to hack at them, whether in the sale or not. I know this is probably because I liked the item enough to buy it as it was. There is however, one downside to buying charity shop clothes... The smell. I think I had to hand wash this jumper about five times before it stopped smelling of roast dinners and bingo halls. 
I hope you have enjoyed you Easter
Hollie x

Jumper- Charity Shop
Skirt- Zara
Leather Jacket- H&M
Boots- Garage


Tuesday, 15 April 2014




Florals for spring... Groundbreaking and pictured in a garden how cliche of me! 
Hollie x
Daisy print shirt- Ark
Leather Jacket- H&M
Boots- Garage 


Monday, 7 April 2014

Super Human Sunglasses


Batman has a mask and cape, Superman has a suit and glasses, Spiderman has glasses and a camera and me... I wear sunglasses. That's right, you guessed it, I am dun dun dun... Blog woman! Here to defend bloggers on the mean streets of the internet. Of course I am joking, the point I am really trying to make is; sunglasses have the ability to make you feel super human, invincible and at the same time totally transform the way your face looks and an outfit. And this is one of the main reasons I always wear them, well that, and the fact I seem to squint on every picture and look like the first human mole when I don't have them on!
Sunglasses have long been associated with all things cool, there is a sort of mystery to someone when you cannot see their eyes and into their soul! For me, it elevates me as though I am actually wearing a mask. I seem to hold my head a little higher and I do feel sort of superhuman with them on. Another massive plus for me is you don't have to wear eye make up, the amount of times I have tried to do fucking winged cat eyes and ended up looking like I have been in a fight... Well, lets just say I have lost count! So now I save myself time and coins in my swear jar and just pop on a pair of good old sunnies! And even better, its finally getting sunny in England so I can actually wear them without looking like a vain/lazy creep walking around town, win win!
Do you have an item of clothing or an accessory that makes you feel superhuman?
Hollie x
T-shirt- Topshop
Playsuit- Topshop
Boots- Garage


Thursday, 3 April 2014

Company Style Awards 2014

Company Magazine
If you haven't entered give it a try or nominate me (worth a cheeky ask)link here and above! 
Hollie x



Being a fashion/personal style blogger, it is easy to think that you can not be pictured in the same outfit or even the same item twice. This of course is stupid, and unsustainable, apart from the money, think of the space. My poor boyfriend already has to keep all of his clothes in the spare room as I have taken all the room in the wardrobes (yes, plural). Its for a greater good, he understands... I think. However, until I started my blog this was a thought I was often guilty of, and the main reason for this... Facebook. Yes, I was one of those people who hated to be pictured in the same outfit twice and rather sadly, I would delete old pictures if I was pictured wearing the item again (how fun my life must have been). Strangely however, when I deleted my personal Facebook and started my blog showing my personal style, I began to realize how silly I was. Not only was I wasting money, but I was effectively collecting a vast amount of clothes that I loved, but felt I couldn't wear again. Is there a point to this ramble? Yes, last week I posted a blog of myself wearing a gingham shirt here and here I am wearing it again. Today in fact, my whole outfit is made up of pieces I have worn in previous posts, 'dun dun dunnnn' if only my 2009 self could see me now!
Hollie x 
P.s Sorry about the pictures. The wind was crazy, so it was hard to get one with out it looking like I was eating my hair. 

Shirt- Charity Shop
Skirt-  Charity Shop
Leather Jacket- Topshop
Heels- Primark

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